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Boycott of unibank haiti

unibank haiti boycott details

Boycott Originator

victimeunibank | Email this user

Boycott Title

boycott unibank haiti

Boycott Description

boycott against unibank haiti unigestion holding sa unitransfer

we have to take our monney out of the hands of these crooks!

fo nou retire kob nou dans mains criminel sa yo!

Boycott Demands

1- take out all your money out of unibank or unicarte. and place it in another banking institution like sogebank, capital bank etc

2-spread the word

3-take a stand against these crooks

4-post on facebook instagram and social media and get people to join us!

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If you are employed by unibank haiti and are authorized to reply to this boycott, please click here.
unibank haiti has not responded to this boycott yet.