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Boycott of conservative campaign contributors.

conservative campaign contributors. boycott details

Boycott Originator

WWWoDEMOCRATZoORG | Email this user

Boycott Title

Boycott conservative contributors

Boycott Description

With this boycott we refuse to buy products from some major companies that give money to conservaties in the Democratic and Republican parties in order to get their CEOs to get congress to pass progressive legislation such as a single payer health care option, a $10 an hour minimum wage, a Medicare Prescription drug benefit placed into Medicare Part B, the Employee Free Choice act. and an end to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Boycott Demands

To take action please see the web site

where you can click on links to send emails to the companies we boycott.

and demand

a single payer health care option, a $10 an hour minimum wage, a Medicare Prescription drug benefit placed into Medicare Part B, the Employee Free Choice act. and an end to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

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