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Boycott of IMDB

IMDB boycott details

Boycott Originator

SueIMDB | Email this user

Boycott Title

IMDB's Rating system is Fraudulent

Boycott Description

Filmmakers, actors, writers, and producers everywhere are angry over IMDB's rating system on their movies.

We beileve the IMDB rating system is flawed. 

We believe IMDB purposefully brings the score down on voting for movies.

We DEMAND that IMDB stops it's rating system on movies IMMEDIATELY.

We have quantitative and qualitative evidence that IMDB's secret rating system puts more emphasis on those giving a film a '1' than a '10'

From a qualitative standpoint, how does IMDB know the motive of the voter? It could be a competitor, and actor who didn't get the part, or a bigot. 

IMDB must get rid of it's secret 'adjusting' of the voting of movies. It hurts the image of a brilliant film and results in devastating financial and emotional consequences.

Boycott Demands

Stop IMDB's voting system IMMEDIATELY.
6 people have joined this boycott
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Boycott Comments
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Opinion/ vote is just as it sounds. - 7/2/11 6:00 AM
Opinion/ vote is just as it sounds.

You say you have Quanlitative evidence of fraudulant changing of the voting...would you mind doing more then just stateing?...such as providing this evidence?...And even then, who cares, a vote is a vote, it is a personal thing. Actors/actresses or even you really, shouldn't care about what they as much as you care about the bully on the playground calling you stupid. What matters in a point of your opinion. Except in this case the bully is probably right.

Company Response
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IMDB has not responded to this boycott yet.