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Boycott of Yahoo

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Jerry | Email this user

Boycott Title

Yahoo is Politically Biased

Boycott Description

I have repeatedly seen stories about Fox News and other republicans in a negetive light in Yahoo news and rarely see anything about Obama or the Democratic party unless it's something good about them.

It's typical of todays media to be biased and not be objective in its news reporting.  Because of this, people have to research several sources to get an idea of what really happened.

Boycott Demands

I will boycott Yahoo until it begins an objective view of its news.
623 people have joined this boycott
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verizon is the problem - 12/8/19 4:37 PM
verizon is the problem

Yahoo is simply a disgusting site that intentionally incites racial divide, hatred against President Trump and any conservative, and allows profanity and sexual photos that are inappropriate.  It's articles are dishonest and are intentionally meant to deceive.  Am looking for a different phone carrier and can't wait to dump Verizon.

bais - 11/2/19 11:14 AM

Yahoo is totally bias against Trump! Its so obvious!!

Hate and racism - 6/7/18 9:16 AM
Hate and racism

I can no longer go to yahoo. Every article is fanning racism. I see they try to turn things into racism that are not. Then constant hate articles about trump. Then the outrage, someone throws shade or this person claps back. 

Cant avoid the hateful biased news - 5/18/18 4:31 PM
Cant avoid the hateful biased news

All I want is to know whats happening in the world, but every other article is bashing our president. They make our country look bad and discredit our country's leadership.

Talking Bad about our President Everyday - 4/24/18 5:00 PM
Talking Bad about our President Everyday

I can't take this fake news anymore. It is so shameful to see what has happened to this website. I am thinking of leaving for good.

Tired of Shady Media/Companies - 9/30/17 3:28 PM
Tired of Shady Media/Companies

I've had a yahoo since it's existance.  I actually have a couple.  I'm canceling it today & not going to associate with any other biased-hiden agenda-double standard companies.  I no longer watch the nfl, espn, or abc.  I have two small children & we'll never again step foot in anything Disney oriented.  I think it's time the backbone of America takes a stand & stops supporting these companies and people.  I know a ton of people where I live are giving a huge middle finger to these shady companies.  Will you?

Bunch of leftests - 9/29/17 5:22 AM
Bunch of leftests

I am leaving you

Yahoo Sucks - 9/1/17 5:38 PM
Yahoo Sucks

I stopped using Yahoo as my homepage a long time ago.  I really got sick of the one-sided liberal opinion of ALL the writers and the slant they seem to bring to every news event.  I now have DuckDuckGo as my homepage and don't have to worry about ads or liberal slanted, biased reporting...there is NO reporting.

needs more publicity - 7/17/17 7:38 PM
needs more publicity

I just happened to run across the boycott.  If it was more available for people to see, I bet more people would join.

Yahoo Sucks - 2/24/17 5:17 PM
Yahoo Sucks

Yahoo is a major player in the dishonest Media Trump speaks about. Maybe real Americans will stop supporting these bizarre media outlets and hit them where it really hurts $$

anonomous - 2/23/17 1:35 PM

Yahoo has more Fake news than cnn!

Sick of the BS - 2/6/17 10:47 AM
Sick of the BS

Every single time I go to log into my mail sure enough I read the headling new of something negative in reference to our President. Why can't I read that there are positives going on.  He is doing what he said he would and an entire bunch of cry babies out there won't allow that to be shown.  It sickens me to read this every single day.  Talk about being bias.  This isn't news, this is bashing.  I want news that tells me what is going on in our government - not what all the Democrats want who lost the election.  That's not their problem anymore.  It's working with the Republicans to make things work.

100% agree - 2/2/17 8:25 PM
100% agree

I stopped viewing there homepage a few weeks ago it's like every article about trump is dramatizes or deleting my email account with them as soon as possible.

Media biase - 1/30/17 9:13 AM
Media biase

Yes it is but then every new outlet is biased anymore. Journalist are dead as a rule. Turn on the evening news and all you get is propaganda from every slanted direction. Facts are passea, this is what has become of having lawyers controlling our society, the art of the lie.

yahoo suks now - 1/17/17 4:39 PM
yahoo suks now

same here as soon as yahoo apears i switch to google   or you tube for my news   shame big time on you guys!!

Yahoo used to be my homepage - 12/23/16 8:17 AM
Yahoo used to be my homepage

Yahoo used to be my go to homepage, now it is a joke.  They are obviously part of the media mindset that whatever brings shock is more important than truth.  I will be the first to admit Trump is not the perfect candidate and I question some of his morals and decisions, but he is a hundred times better than Hillary and Yahoo news can't seem to let go of the fact that the popular vote was higher for Hillary.  Wells Breaking News Yahoo, that is not how the President is elected nor ever has been, so he campaigned according to HOW THE POTUS is actually elected, and if you take out the state of California popular vote then actually look at the majority of the country he did have the popular vote.  Remember how things like the electoral college help our country run by the opinion of our nation and not just one populated state that everyone bows down too.  No more Yahoo for me.  I'll stick with twitter for unbiased news 

Yahoo disquest - 11/5/16 6:19 PM
Yahoo disquest

I have used yahoo forever,now I will be changing my accounts. Their political bias is unbelievable ?Do they really want the us to be a third world country? It seems so,I wonder who is behind their views.Wake up people.

Drain the Swamp... - 11/4/16 1:49 PM
Drain the Swamp...

...And toss the low-life maistream media into the cesspool.

so sad - 11/4/16 10:52 AM
so sad

I used to make it... about an hour ritual to look at what's happening @yahoo news.... not any more.... shame on you.

Mr. M - 10/6/16 9:27 AM
Mr. M

I have used yahoo for many years, and seen some things they do that have disturbed me as an internet user who feels the internet should be NON-BIASED, and protect it's users from being scrutinized by ANY government, but this obvious bias of the Trump campain has pushed it too far. I have switched my homepage, and only use yahoo if I have to, and then only breifly. I do not, and will not use any service that advertises on yahoo ever again.

Liberal Left - 9/27/16 2:38 PM
Liberal Left has become more and more bias against Donald Trump and hardly ever against the slime ball that was spared prison by corrupt people at the highest. Comey saved his life by having all the evidence in front of him but not recommending prosecution. Lying Loretta Lynch was basically a hostile witness in front of the House of Representatives. Wouldnt even say that someone was breaking the law if they were going 65 in a 55. "PATHETIC MESS". This whole administration are a bunch of liers, and doesnt give a rip. Sad days.

Biased against Trump - 9/16/16 10:59 AM
Biased against Trump

It is so obvious that the controllers of Yahoo are biased against Trump and conservatives in general. Shame on you Yahoo.

Mr. - 9/15/16 7:27 AM

When Yahoo appears I switch to Google right away.

Yahoo is AWFUL - 9/14/16 7:01 AM
Yahoo is AWFUL

Fox is too much sunshine and Yahoo is AWFUL. I go to it every day and if you did an anaylysis of Pro Democrat versus Pro GOP articles you would see its not even close. 

They claim they get their news from other sources but its the stories they pick to headline and promote that exposes their bias. 

Yahoos own news commentators are even worse. 

Why do I keep going there. To comment against them and their bias. I never even read the stories anymore because they are all oppinon pieces. 


yahoo news - 9/1/16 5:38 AM
yahoo news

I used to read it all the time even had it set for my home page however he became so far left I never read it anymore and went back to BBC homepage for news

Yahoo Mail - 8/18/16 7:51 AM
Yahoo Mail

I don't read Yahoo News but have used Mail for about 10 years.  Lately my spam folder seemed to be out pacing my inbox by about 10x.  I have to review every day because emails from Progressive sites seem to end up  there a lot (despite being flagged ' Not Spam'. Now when my premium service ($19.95) expires I get a message from them saying my credit card needed to be updated so I could 'Purchase non-commercial' service that priviously was sold as Premium with extra storage, etc.  When I didn't update suddenly comes all the ads that my filter had been throwing into my Spam folder.  

I'm switching to Gmail.

Yahoo is NEWSPEAK - 8/3/16 1:13 PM

I am ashamed of Yahoo. Which I have used since around 96'.


The blatant bias towards the Democrats and liberals is nauseating. What you are doing is wrong and an ABUSE of the influence yahoo has in the media. Plain WRONG.


Big Brother will be proud

Liberal scum - 8/3/16 12:47 PM
Liberal scum

Just saw an article about how phelps shouldnt of been the olympic flag holder, but yahoo felt instead some muslim wearing a burka should have been. This country makes me sick

Unfair and unbalanced - 8/2/16 7:43 PM
Unfair and unbalanced

Yahoo has lost their way.Ready to sell out to highest

bid.They will be gutted and someday "yahoo" will be

remembered as something heard on the Beverly


cheep shots - 7/29/16 12:59 PM
cheep shots

i think a kid could make up better political cheep shots...

Yahoo is very left leaning - 7/29/16 7:30 AM
Yahoo is very left leaning

Yahoo never has any positive stories about the GOP...not cool....I am changing my homepage to a page that represents both sides equally....your titles are so negative towards Trump and the GOP.....not fair!!!!  you are the crooked are misinforming the uninformed and dumbing down America!!!

Yahoo biased against Conservatives - 7/27/16 12:56 PM
Yahoo biased against Conservatives

I find most of your stories very biased toward the progressive and liberal viewpoint.  Can't trust your stories.  They don't give all the facts and tend to slant the reporting to the political left.  Why do you not like (or even hate) conservatives?

Nikki Harding

[email protected] - 7/25/16 10:24 AM
[email protected]


Journallist for 25 years denounce Yahoo propaganda - 7/24/16 11:50 AM
Journallist for 25 years denounce Yahoo propaganda

Yahoo is a dangerous tool for propaganda. Their news are simply oriented to serve Yahoo's financial interests. It wouldbe OK if the vast majority of the readers were aware, and got other source of information. But Yahoo, like CNN, is a mainstream media, and pretends to know better. They are part of the liberal mafia who doesnt give a flying damn about people interests. They are NOT teh good boys they pretend they are.

PS I have been a journalist for 25 years at the national Public Radio and I know what I am talking aoput.

Liberal Yahoo - 7/19/16 11:32 AM
Liberal Yahoo

I am sick of not getting accurate news from the Yahoo media. Most of the news is just fluff.  The majority of the articles are written with a liberal viewpoint and lacking in truth.  I am tired of seeing the Republican party being attacked. Sometimes they slap the articles together so quickly that it results in multiple spelling errors.  Very professional.  I am currently looking for a new home page.

Yahoo is national Enquirer/ China's friend/ collector of WORST pariah writers - 7/9/16 8:03 AM
Yahoo is national Enquirer/ China's friend/ collector of WORST pariah writers

just simple:

 MostsYahoo's news, simply ignore

YAHOO BIAS - 6/25/16 3:12 PM


Boycott Yahoo - 6/22/16 12:22 PM
Boycott Yahoo

Yahoo is totally biased towards the Dems! Liberal like most of the media. Thought with the wide range of users they'd be more neutral...NOT!! I cannot stomach the unbelievable stuff they are feeding users like my husband. Even my very conservative republican  TRUMP 2016!!! Never Hillery husband is starting to get BRAINWASHED with some of the false stories he gets bombarded with on a daily basis!! As SOON as I can figure out how to change our computer to another search engine and get his mail cancelled, we will dump Yahoo!! I already switched my mail to it!


Yahoo controlled by China - 6/20/16 1:49 PM
Yahoo controlled by China

Yahoo now censor all negative news about China

Biased Yahoo - 6/17/16 9:52 AM
Biased Yahoo

I agree..Yahoo is so biased I am going to go on without using it...discouraging...

Boycott yahoo - 5/11/16 5:36 AM
Boycott yahoo

I have noticed for sometime that Yahoo has a liberal slant. Rarely is there anything positive about Conserative views. It is time for not only to Boycott Yahoo but Facebook as well.

left wing kooks - 5/8/16 6:23 AM
left wing kooks

It is sickening to see the bias from Yahoo! You would think being in the media business they would stay neutral to keep as many readers as they can but for some reason being left wing idealogs seems to be the only thing important to them.

Does Yahoo really think they are fooling anyone with thier bias?

Yahoo is bias against liberals - 4/15/16 8:40 AM
Yahoo is bias against liberals

That's why I no longer view anything to do with yahoo. yahoo frontpage news is trash. Never mind all the fake news stories that are really paid ads. shame.

Bad Changes - 3/18/16 7:44 AM
Bad Changes

Yahoo has completely finished destroying what could be a good experience when it comes to features.  They've removed the ability to stop getting certain articles, they no long easily notify you when you have activity from article comments, etc.  They are exactly far too liberal in topic choices, showing extreme bias instead of reporting all the facts.  However, I find they have the best layout when compared to other home pages I've tried.  It's a shame the content of that layout and the execution of the funtions is horrible.

Yahoo is A total disappointment - 2/17/16 6:18 PM
Yahoo is A total disappointment

Yahoo is a total disappointment. They not only show political bias, they always display a distinctly anti-European and European American slant, which is shameful and racist. They also feature articles from explicitly racist trash like the Mic, Salon, and the Huffington Post.

Mr. Pisstoff - 2/8/16 10:31 AM
Mr. Pisstoff

Yahoo just plain SUCKS!

Today's Yahoo bias political slant - 8/30/15 10:08 PM
Today's Yahoo bias political slant

Not much to say today , because the home page of Yahoo says it all. (8/30/2015).I don't have enough fingers to count how many anti republican/ Trump articles on one page, while titleing one article regarding Obama, " How Obama can be the next Teddy Roosevelt?" this organization makes me puke. I'm not A Republican, nor am I A Democrat,Voting along party lines instead of your true conscience is the beginning of the end. I am A realist. Are there any real unbiased media left?  I think not. Very sad. Yahoo, nobody is interested in your obvious biased nonesense. People have brains and they don't need you to lead them to your conclusions. You will eventually fail , like all biased organizations, like all prejudice people(Black and White etc..) loke all bigots, and like all hate filled phonis of the world. Pathetic is all I can say to what has happened  to honest, well intended good people in our country, and around the world.  S O , SO Sad. This country has lost its greatness.This country is so divided, sooner or later it will not be able to stand, Sadly , I think sooner.

derf - 12/7/12 9:10 PM

Every poll on Yahoo's home page ends up being conservative - Always against Obama or liberals - I don't know who votes, but even in the runup to the election, every Yahoo poll showed the Dems losing - 

Yahoo news socialist propaganda - 11/5/12 9:50 PM
Yahoo news socialist propaganda

I use all the time, so naturally I glance over at the news Yahoo provides also. What load of leftist crap they try to shovel in my face every day. You'd think a website that is supposed to appeal to everyone would be smart enough not to spend all their time slamming the very folk that use their pages.

cia operatives denied help - 10/26/12 11:12 AM
cia operatives denied help

see how long this takes to become news on google and yahoo and you can see just how biased these news agencies are.  They refuse to tell the truth.  There is a coverup which amounts to being an accessory to murder.  Those who told the seals to stand down should resign immediately!  

re: nonsense - 9/20/12 8:00 PM
re: nonsense

I have not ever heard that yahoo is conservative and do not see any of that represented in the news reported.

about the trending topics - 9/20/12 7:59 PM
about the trending topics

There is no way that all the other news sites (google etc) had Mitt Romney as a trending topic and there was no mention at all on yahoo. I find it really hard to believe that people search him on google and not on yahoo when the majority of the other times the trending topics across these sites are similar.

Agreed - 9/19/12 9:46 PM

I'm the last person to get caught up in the conspiracies of the main stream liberal media, I figure people seeing anything against their point of view would be seen as corrupt and these type of people are in my opinion deemed fools. With this being said, how else can it be explained that on the night of RNC Google, Twitter and all other media sources were talking good and bad about Ann Romney and so on and Yahoo's trending topic is about Michelle Obama's eye shadow. Over the next week of monitoring the only Republican news that was trending was Ryan's Faux Pas about his Marathon hardly earth shattering news. If you cannot depend on the objective search engines to be accurate then what is their use. Do not boycott Yahoo out of principle but out of their existence being pointless.

liberal duchitsbags - 9/18/12 8:36 PM
liberal duchitsbags

If yahoo were building up Mitt then I guess the tables would be turned and you wouldn't like yahoo so much? OOOOOOhhhh now maybe thats different. You liberals are so hateful you pile everyone else (other than democraps) and call them names. Oh did I do that? Lowered myself to your standard? NEVER just giving you all a taste of your own chit.

Sad Times - 9/10/12 9:06 PM
Sad Times

Unbiased media is gone. If I am wrong, please tell me where I can find it. Yahoo is just another Obama cheerleader like Fox is for Romney. These are sad times. 

nonsense - 7/8/12 5:55 AM

As I have read just as many complaints that their bias is pro conservative, I think we can assume that Yahoo is quite balanced.  

Bias?? - 5/9/12 1:39 PM

That's pure bull sh8t

Boycott Yahoo and their sponsors. - 3/9/12 4:45 AM
Boycott Yahoo and their sponsors.

I am joining the boycott of Yahoo.  I will transfer my commercial websites away from yahoo and I will avoid buying anything from their sponsors and partners.  Their political bias against Ron Paul and pro-sheeple stupidity is unacceptable.  Goodbye and good riddance Yahoo.

the little guys built you - 10/19/11 4:11 AM
the little guys built you

this site is trying to get to big  i seriously hope everyone  just quites them  let them go out of business  i been with them since the beginig there phone do not work anymore but when they choose they charge to anser your questions there nothing but dug from every animal on this planet  they build you up get you there and then say  thanks for your money and support   oh and bed over 


Yahoo boycott - 4/29/11 11:51 AM
Yahoo boycott

It is not biased. it is just who the webadmin and others support.just like how aperently you favor the rebublicans

You are correct - 11/28/10 10:06 PM
You are correct

I agree why should we have to research the facts, it is much easier to just get them form Faux news. This country doesn't want/need informed voters.

Switch to Fox News - 8/27/10 6:15 AM
Switch to Fox News

The news when you turn on Yahoo is so biased against America, why don't they just move their whole operation to Europe? Their news is nothing but left wing opinions and biased comments against any thing they don't beleive in. Do any of you rember John Cameron Swayze, Chet Huntly and David Brinkley? We never knew their party preference because they were real jounalist, not political Hacks like these jerks.

Yahoo doesn't care. - 8/3/10 12:55 PM
Yahoo doesn't care.

Caring about life and the people around you is the mark of civilization in our modern world. Many big companies don't care and are ruining the fragile and unique planet Earth.

In this case Yahoo doesn't want to answer personal customer enquiries and needs until it gets a massive statistical response. So the whole thing acts like a robot. No heart, no interest in customers except for the money they can be tempted to spend.

The answer has always been to withdraw financial support and my custom. This applies in all sectors of the modern mad world economy which is now said by scientists to be heading rapidly to an extinction of most species, including us of course.

Am I overstating? Probably not. Signs are everywhere that parents are not taking their children's future seriously and starting to consume only basic high quality organic and delicious foods for instance. Instead, the hospitals are full where, guess what? The money makers who care nothing for life or the preciousness of people are waiting with open arms to collect your dollar for fighting your sickness!!!!!  It's a win-win for planetary destruction! Are YOU participating, Yahoo, or are you only pretending to have good values so the subterfuge can continue.

See the Union of Concerned Scientists web site to see what a responsible attitude can be, from those who measure the world's health and functionality daily.

Thanks for listening to the rant of a small and insignificant customer. George

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