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Boycott of AOL / HuffPost

AOL / HuffPost boycott details

Boycott Originator

Glawsny | Email this user

Boycott Title

Stop HuffPOST from AOL

Boycott Description

AOL offers HUFFPOST as it's news on-line partner.  HUFFPOST is a bised, one sided news service that does not offer a balanced focus on current events.

Boycott Demands

AOL should stop offering HUFFPOST as their news service.


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Boycott Comments
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Anonymous - 3/7/13 5:26 PM

AOL/Huffington Post is worse than CNN. I am cancelling my AOL account.

comment on boycott - 9/2/11 6:31 PM
comment on boycott

While i do not use aol I am awear that the huffington post does not let both sides of an issue have a say. While everyone has their version of a story it is important to let both sides be heard

Huff post a big improvement - 7/31/11 6:18 AM
Huff post a big improvement

AOL news is so much better, and less biased now that they have partnered with Huffington. What a huge improvement! Still a little too much sensational crap, but much better.

Company Response
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AOL / HuffPost has not responded to this boycott yet.